Acupuncture is recognised as a safe and effective treatment method of Bellse paresis. It is often in use for activation of functional recovery in paralysis.
This technique can improve blood flow and promote recovery of nerve cells. Treatment of Bell's disease is one of the most common indications for acupuncture in China.
According to a research more than 80% of all patients with severe n.facialis palsy may benefit from acupuncture treatment.
In a review of studies from 2021 investigators examined the timing of acupuncture for the treatment of Bell's paralysis. They found strong evidence that acupuncture in the acute stage was associated with increased efficacy. The acute stage was defined as the first 7 days after symptoms developed.
For treatment of facial paralysis, I use various acupuncture techniques including acupuncture-moxa and acupuncture-biopuncture combination.